What is an API Definition?

An API Definition is a document that defines the structure of the API. It includes the endpoints, request and response schemas, and authentication requirements.

Fern integrates with several API definition formats:

Formerly known as Swagger, OpenAPI is the most popular API definition format. OpenAPI can be used to document RESTful APIs and is defined in a YAML or JSON file.

Check out an example OpenAPI Specification for the Petstore API here

1openapi: 3.0.2
3 - name: pet
4 description: Everything about your Pets
6 /pet:
7 post:
8 tags:
9 - pet
10 summary: Add a new pet to the store
11 description: Add a new pet to the store
12 operationId: addPet
13 requestBody:
14 description: Create a new pet in the store
15 required: true
16 content:
17 application/json:
18 schema:
19 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
20 application/xml:
21 schema:
22 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
23 application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
24 schema:
25 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
26 responses:
27 '200':
28 description: Successful operation
29 content:
30 application/xml:
31 schema:
32 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
33 application/json:
34 schema:
35 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
36 '405':
37 description: Invalid input
38 components:
39 schemas:
40 Pet:
41 required:
42 - name
43 - photoUrls
44 properties:
45 id:
46 type: integer
47 format: int64
48 example: 10
49 name:
50 type: string
51 example: doggie
52 category:
53 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Category'
54 photoUrls:
55 type: array
56 xml:
57 wrapped: true
58 items:
59 type: string
60 xml:
61 name: photoUrl
62 tags:
63 type: array
64 xml:
65 wrapped: true
66 items:
67 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Tag'
68 xml:
69 name: tag
70 status:
71 type: string
72 description: pet status in the store
73 enum:
74 - available
75 - pending
76 - sold
77 xml:
78 name: pet
79 type: object

AsyncAPI is a specification for defining event-driven APIs. It is used to document APIs that use WebSockets, MQTT, and other messaging protocols.

Check out an example AsyncAPI spec for a chat application below:

1asyncapi: 2.0.0
3 title: Chat server
4 version: 1.0.0
7 Production:
8 url: chat.com
9 protocol: ws
12 "/application":
13 bindings:
14 ws:
15 query:
16 type: object
17 properties:
18 apiKey:
19 type: string
20 description: The API key for the client
21 minimum: 1
22 bindingVersion: 0.1.0
23 subscribe:
24 operationId: sendMessage
25 message:
26 $ref: '#/components/messages/SendMessage'
27 publish:
28 operationId: receiveMessage
29 message:
30 $ref: '#/components/messages/ReceiveMessage'
33 messages:
34 SendMessage:
35 payload:
36 message: string
37 ReceiveMessage:
38 payload:
39 message: string
40 from:
41 type: string
42 description: The userId for the sender of the message

The Fern Definition is our take on a simpler API definition format. It is designed with best-practices, supports both RESTful and event-driven APIs, and is optimized for SDK generation.

The Fern Definition is inspired from internal API Definition formats built at companies like Amazon, Google, Palantir, Twilio and Stripe. These companies rejected OpenAPI and built their own version.

Check out an example Fern Definition below:

2 MovieId: string
4 Movie:
5 properties:
6 id: MovieId
7 title: string
8 rating:
9 type: double
10 docs: The rating scale is one to five stars
12 CreateMovieRequest:
13 properties:
14 title: string
15 rating: double
18 auth: false
19 base-path: /movies
20 endpoints:
21 createMovie:
22 docs: Add a movie to the database
23 method: POST
24 path: /create-movie
25 request: CreateMovieRequest
26 response: MovieId
28 getMovie:
29 method: GET
30 path: /{movieId}
31 path-parameters:
32 movieId: MovieId
33 response: Movie
34 errors:
35 - MovieDoesNotExistError
38 MovieDoesNotExistError:
39 status-code: 404
40 type: MovieId

Why create an API Definition ?

Once you have an API definition, Fern will use it as an input to generate artifacts like SDKs and API Reference documentation. Every time you update the API definition, you can regenerate these artifacts and ensure they are always up-to-date.


Client libraries in multiple languages.


A Stripe-like API documentation website.

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