What is an OpenAPI Specification?

OpenAPI is a standard for documenting REST APIs

The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is a framework used by developers to document REST APIs. The specification written in JSON or YAML and contains all of your endpoints, parameters, schemas, and authentication schemes.

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Below is an example of an OpenAPI file:

1openapi: 3.0.2
3 title: Petstore - OpenAPI 3.0
4 description: |-
5 This is a sample Pet Store Server based on the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
7 "/pet":
8 put:
9 tags:
10 - pet
11 summary: Update an existing pet
12 description: Update an existing pet by Id
13 operationId: updatePet
14 requestBody:
15 description: Update an existent pet in the store
16 content:
17 application/json:
18 schema:
19 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Pet"
20 required: true
21 responses:
22 '200':
23 description: Successful operation
24 content:
25 application/json:
26 schema:
27 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Pet"
28 '400':
29 description: Invalid ID supplied
30 '404':
31 description: Pet not found
32 '405':
33 description: Validation exception
34 security:
35 - api_key
37 schemas:
38 Category:
39 type: object
40 properties:
41 id:
42 type: integer
43 format: int64
44 example: 1
45 name:
46 type: string
47 example: Dogs
48 Tag:
49 type: object
50 properties:
51 id:
52 type: integer
53 format: int64
54 name:
55 type: string
56 Pet:
57 required:
58 - name
59 - photoUrls
60 type: object
61 properties:
62 id:
63 type: integer
64 format: int64
65 example: 10
66 name:
67 type: string
68 example: doggie
69 category:
70 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Category"
71 photoUrls:
72 type: array
73 items:
74 type: string
75 tags:
76 type: array
77 items:
78 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Tag"
79 status:
80 type: string
81 description: pet status in the store
82 enum:
83 - available
84 - pending
85 - sold
86 securitySchemes:
87 api_key:
88 type: apiKey
89 name: api_key
90 in: header

Setup your Fern folder

Start by initializing your Fern folder with an OpenAPI spec

1fern init --openapi ./path/to/openapi

This will initialize a directory like the following

├─ fern.config.json
├─ generators.yml
└─ openapi/
├─ openapi.yml