

(fix): The Docs now support rendering additionalProperties in the API Playground so that users can send out arbitrary key,value pairs.


(internal): The Fern CLI command fern generator list now accepts filters for the output mode, for example, you may now specify fern generator list --excluded-modes local-file-system in order to filter any generators from the list that are outputting locally.


(feat): The OpenAPI importer used to try and coerce all enums into a literals. In some cases this is not desirable, so we now expose an option called coerce-enums-to-literals in your generators.yml.

2 specs:
3 - openapi: ../openapi.json
4 overrides: ../openapi-overrides.yml
5 settings:
6 title-as-schema-name: false
7 coerce-enums-to-literals: false


(feat): The Fern CLI now supports parsing Conjure, Palantir’s home-grown API Definition format.

If you know a company that is using Conjure that wants API Docs + SDKs, send them our way!


(fix): The valid-markdown rule has been updated to try and parse the markdown file into a valid AST. If the file fails to parse, fern check will log an error as well as the path to the markdown.