
(feat): Requests for file download will now allow users to pass in a chunk_size option that allows them to receive chunks of a specific size from the resultant iter_bytes invocation on the response byte stream.

Concretely, a user would leverage the following:

2 ...,
3 request_options={
4 "chunk_size": 1024 # 1MB
5 }


(fix): The generated README will now have a section that links to the generated SDK Reference (in reference.md).

1## Reference
3A full reference for this library can be found [here](./reference.md).


(fix): Pydantic utilities now correctly handles cases where you have a Pydantic model, with a list of pydantic models as a field, where those models have literals. Effectively, deep_union_pydantic_objects now handles lists of objects and merges them appropriately.


(fix): Dynamic header suppliers, as used within the OAuth provider are now invoked on every request, not just the first. This was a regression introduced within an earlier version that is now fixed. As a results of this fix, the refresh_token is now correctly refreshed.