
Learn about the Fern CLI commands.

fern initCreate new Fern project from OpenAPI spec or scratch
fern checkValidate API definition & configuration
fern upgradeUpdate Fern CLI & generators to latest versions

Documentation Commands

fern docs devRun local documentation preview server
fern generate --docsBuild & publish documentation updates

SDK Generation Commands

fern generateBuild & publish SDK updates
fern write-definitionConvert OpenAPI specifications to Fern Definition
fern write-overridesCreate OpenAPI customizations
fern generator upgradeUpdate SDK generators to latest versions

Detailed Command Documentation

Use fern init to initialize a new Fern workspace in the current folder. By default, you’ll see the IMDb API example.

$fern init [--docs] [--openapi <path/url>]

When initializing with OpenAPI, your project structure will look like this:

>├─ fern.config.json
>├─ generators.yml # generators you're using
>└─ openapi/
> └─ openapi.json # your OpenAPI specification

For Fern Definition initialization (without OpenAPI), you’ll see this structure:

>├─ fern.config.json
>├─ generators.yml # generators you're using
>└─ definition/
> ├─ api.yml # API-level configuration
> └─ imdb.yml # endpoints, types, and errors


Use --openapi to initialize a project from an OpenAPI specification:

$# Initialize from local file
>fern init --openapi ./path/to/openapi.yml
># Initialize from URL
>fern init --openapi


By adding --docs, you’ll also get a sample documentation website for your API with an API Reference section.

$fern init --docs

The file added will contain:

2 - url:
3title: Your Organization | Documentation
5 - api: API Reference
7accent-primary: '#ffffff'
8background: '#000000'

To publish the API docs, run fern generate --docs.


By adding --mintlify PATH_TO_MINT_CONFIG, the CLI will automatically convert your Mintlify docs folder into a Fern docs site, based on the mint.json file.

$fern init --mintlify PATH_TO_MINT_CONFIG

The CLI will create a fern/ folder with the following structure:

>├─ fern.config.json # root-level configuration
>├─ docs.yml # docs configuration
>└─ ... # any other files / pages needed in your docs


The fern init command supports importing Readme generated docs sites. This requires having a local chromium browser instance installed. You can ensure this is installed by installing the fern cli from source, following the instructions here.

By adding --readme URL_TO_README_DOCS_SITE, the CLI will automatically convert the Readme generated docs site into a Fern docs site.

$fern init --readme URL_TO_README_DOCS_SITE

The CLI will create a fern/ folder with the following structure:

>├─ fern.config.json # root-level configuration
>├─ docs.yml # docs configuration
>└─ ... # any other files / pages needed in your docs

For more information on getting started, check out our Quickstart Guide

Use fern generate to run the Fern compiler and create SDKs for your API.

$fern generate [--group <group>] [--api <api>] [--version <version>] [--preview]


Use --preview to test SDK changes locally before publishing. This is especially useful during development:

  • Generates SDK into a local .preview/ folder
  • Allows quick iteration on your Fern definition
  • No changes are published to package managers or GitHub
$# Preview all SDKs
>fern generate --preview
># Preview specific SDK group
>fern generate --group python-sdk --preview


Use --group <group> to filter to a specific group within generators.yml. Required unless you have a default-group declared.

$fern generate --group internal


Use --api <api> to specify the API for SDK generation.

$fern generate --api public-api


Use --version to specify a version for SDKs and documentation. Adherence to semantic versioning is advised.

$fern generate --version 2.11

Use fern check to validate your API definition and Fern configuration: fern.config.json, generators.yml, and docs.yml.

When successfully executed, this command will not produce any output.

$fern check [--api <api>] [--warnings]


Use --api <api> to specify which API you’d like to check.

$fern check --api public-api


Use --warnings to log warnings in addition to errors.

$fern check --warnings

Use --strict-broken-links to fail the command if any broken links are found in your API docs.

$fern check --strict-broken-links

Usage in a GitHub Action

1name: Fern Validation Check
4 pull_request:
5 push:
6 branches:
7 - main
10 validate-fern-api:
11 name: Validate using Fern's linter
12 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
13 steps:
14 - name: Checkout repository
15 uses: actions/checkout@v4
17 - name: Install Fern CLI
18 run: npm install -g fern-api
20 - name: Validate API with Fern
21 run: fern check

Use fern generate --docs to create a documentation site for your API.

$fern generate --docs [instance <instance-url>] [--preview]


Use --instance to specify which instance URL in your docs.yml to generate documentation for.

$fern generate --docs --instance


Use --preview to preview updates to your documentation before publishing changes to your production site.

$fern generate --docs --preview

Use fern docs dev to run a local development server to preview your docs.

$fern docs dev [--port <port-number>]


Use --port <port-number> to specify the port the docs preview will be run on.

$fern docs dev --port 57908

Use fern upgrade to upgrade your compiler version in fern.config.json to the latest version. It will also upgrade generators in generators.yml to their minimum-compatible versions.

$fern upgrade

Use fern login to login to the Fern CLI via GitHub. Logging in allows you join GitHub organizations, gain permissions, and contribute to projects.

$fern login [--device code]


Use --device-code to login via device code authorization.

$fern login --device-code

To enable CI/CD, use fern token.

Use fern token to generate a FERN_TOKEN specific to your organization defined in fern.config.json. Use the token to authenticate with the API in CI. Tokens do not expire.

$fern token

GitHub Actions

If using GitHub Actions as your CI, add the FERN_TOKEN as a GitHub Action secret in your Fern configuration repo. You can then reference the secret in your CI:

1- name: Generate and Publish Documentation with Fern
2 env:
3 FERN_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FERN_TOKEN }}
4 run: fern generate --docs

See the full example on GitHub.

Use fern write-definition to convert your OpenAPI Specification into a Fern Definition. You must have a fern/openapi/ folder that contains an OpenAPI Specification file in .json or .yaml format.

$fern write-definition [--api <api>]

When run, this command creates a new folder within fern/ called .definition/.

>├─ fern.config.json
>├─ generators.yml
>└─ openapi/
> └─ openapi.json
> └─ .definition/ # <--- your Fern Definition
> └─ api.yml
> └─ __package__.yml

If you do not see the .definition/ folder, use the appropriate command or configuration to view hidden folders (ls -a in bash and zsh).

If your fern/ folder contains both an openapi/ and a definition/ folder, Fern defaults to reading your OpenAPI Specification. To use your Fern Definition as input, you must:

  • Rename the .definition/ folder to definition/.
  • Remove or rename the openapi/ folder. For example, you can rename it to .openapi/.


Use --api to specify the API to write the definition for if you have multiple defined in your fern/apis/ folder.

$fern write-definition --api public-api

Use fern write-overrides to generate a basic OpenAPI overrides file. An overrides file allows for reversible revisions to the API specification, including adding request and response examples for code snippets in Fern Docs.

$fern write-overrides [--api <api>] [--exclude-models]

When run, this command creates a new file within fern/openapi/ called openapi-overrides.yml.

>├─ fern.config.json
>├─ generators.yml
>└─ openapi/
> └─ openapi-overrides.yaml # <--- your overrides file
> └─ openapi.json


Use --api to specify the API to run the command on if multiple are defined.

$fern write-overrides --api public-api


Use --exclude-models to stub the models while generating the initial overrides (in addition to the endpoints).

$fern write-overrides --exclude-models

Use fern generator upgrade to update all generators in your generators.yml to their latest versions.

$fern generator upgrade [--list] [--generator <generator-name>] [--group <group>]

This command will:

  • Check for updates to all generators specified in your generators.yml
  • Update the generator versions to their latest compatible releases
  • Maintain compatibility with your current Fern compiler version

Here’s what you might see when updates are available:

│ │
│ Upgrades available │
│ │
│ │
│ C# SDK (API: openapi, Group: csharp-sdk) 1.9.11 → 1.9.15 │
│ Java SDK (API: openapi, Group: java-sdk) 2.2.0 → 2.11.3 │
│ Python SDK (API: openapi, Group: python-sdk) 4.3.10 → 4.3.11 │
│ │
│ Run fern generator upgrade to upgrade your generators. │
│ Run fern generator upgrade --list to see the full list of generator upgrades │
│ available. │
│ │


Use --list to see the full list of generator upgrades available.

$fern generator upgrade --list


Use --generator to specify a particular generator type to upgrade.

$fern generator upgrade --generator fernapi/fern-typescript-node-sdk
>fern generator upgrade --generator fernapi/fern-python-sdk


Use --group to upgrade generators within a specific group in your generators.yml. If not specified, all generators of the specified type will be upgraded.

$fern generator upgrade --group public

This is different from fern upgrade which updates the Fern CLI version. Use both commands to keep your entire Fern toolchain up to date.