Customize content using frontmatter

Set titles, add meta descriptions, and more

You can optionally use frontmatter to set each page’s title, full slug override, meta description, a URL to suggest edits to the page, and its OpenGraph image. You can also use frontmatter to disable certain page element like the table of contents and on-page feedback.

Frontmatter must be added to the top of a .md or .mdx file, before the rest of the content. Use sets of three dashes to indicate the beginning and end of your frontmatter, as shown:

Example frontmatter
2title: Customize content using frontmatter
3subtitle: Set titles, add meta descriptions, and more
4slug: frontmatter
5description: Use frontmatter to set the page title, subtitle, slug, meta description, its OpenGraph image, and a URL to suggest edits.


Name: title
Type: string
Default: The name of the page as specified in docs.yml

Set the content for the <title> element for a page. This title is displayed in browser tabs, history, and bookmarks, as well as in search engine results. Having a unique and informative title for each page benefits your site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization).


For more information, see Google’s guidelines for useful titles.

If no title is provided in the frontmatter of a page, Fern uses the value for that page in docs.yml.

For example, if a page is defined like this in docs.yml:

1- page: Overview
2 path: ./docs/pages/api-overview.mdx

Then, if Fern does not find a title in that page’s frontmatter, Overview is used for the default title.

Site-wide title text

You can set a field named title in docs.yml like this:

2 - url:
4title: Fern | Documentation # <-- set site-wide

The value you enter for this field is appended to every page’s title across your docs site, as - TITLE_VALUE.

For example, with the above setting in docs.yml, the Overview page’s title becomes Overview - Fern | Documentation.


Name: subtitle
Type: string
Default: None

Renders as a subtitle on the page. If description is not set, subtitle is also used as the meta description tag.


Name: slug
Type: string
Default: None

The slug you set in a page’s frontmatter overrides the URL for that page derived from docs.yml. This slug begins from the root of your docs site, ignoring the tab or section that the page is under. This allows you to set a custom full slug for any page.

As an example, consider this navigation setup in docs.yml:

docs.yml navigation example
2 - tab: overview
3 layout:
4 - section: Support
5 contents:
6 - page: Email Us
7 path: ./pages/emailus.mdx
8 slug: email

The slug set in docs.yml affects only the final part of the URL, so the emailus.mdx page is available at /overview/support/email.

In contrast, the slug that you set in frontmatter affects the full URL. For example, you can set the frontmatter slug to email, as shown:

frontmatter in emailus.mdx
2slug: email

The page then becomes available at /email.

Meta description

Name: description
Type: string
Default: None

Set the meta description for a page. Like the page title, the meta description is important for SEO. It impacts the text that search engines display about your page in search results snippets. It can also influence search engine indexing and ranking. For more information, see Google’s guidelines for meta descriptions.

Edit this page

Name: edit-this-page-url
Type: string (absolute URL)
Default: None

Provide the absolute link to the source .md or .mdx file in GitHub. Fern uses it to add an Edit this page link to the page, which users of your documentation can use to suggest corrections or additions.

Edit this page feature

Meta image

Name: image
Type: string (absolute URL)
Default: None

Configure the <meta property="og:image"> metadata for a page using an absolute path to an image hosted online. This provides an image to show next to a link to your documentation when the link is shared on social media, using a metadata protocol called OpenGraph. For more information, see the explanation of OpenGraph.

Table of contents

Name: hide-toc
Type: boolean
Default: false

Controls the conditional rendering of the table of contents feature on the right-side of the page. Set to true to disable this feature.

Table of contents feature

By default, Fern will center the contents of a page when the table of contents is hidden. To control the layout of the page, see the layout documentation.

Name: hide-nav-links
Type: boolean
Default: false

Controls the conditional rendering of the navigation links (previous, next) at the bottom of the page. Set to true to disable this feature.

Navigation links feature

On-page feedback

Name: hide-feedback
Type: boolean
Default: false

Controls the conditional rendering of the on-page feedback form at the bottom of the page. Set to true to disable this feature.

On-page feedback feature

Name: logo
Type: object
Default: None

You can override the site-wide logo for a page by setting a field named logo in any page’s frontmatter like this:

index.mdx logo example
3 light:
4 dark:

This field specifies the logo for this page. If no logo is set, the site-wide logo configuration is used.


Name: layout
Type: overview, guide, reference, page, or custom
Default: guide

Sets the page layout.

  • overview: A spacious, full-width layout without a table of contents. Perfect for landing pages, section overviews, and content that benefits from maximum horizontal space. Navigation sidebar remains visible.

  • guide: The default documentation layout featuring a table of contents on the right side. Ideal for tutorials, how-to guides, and any content that benefits from easy navigation through sections.

  • reference: A full-width layout optimized for an API or SDK reference. Removes the table of contents so you can add another column, such as code examples. Navigation sidebar remains visible.

  • page: A distraction-free, full-screen layout that hides both the table of contents and navigation sidebar. Best for standalone content that benefits from focused reading experiences.

  • custom: A blank canvas layout that removes all default styling constraints. Hides both the table of contents and navigation sidebar, allowing complete control over the page layout.

SEO metadata

Fern supports adding SEO metadata in the frontmatter.

headlineWhen set, the <title /> tag in the document head will use this value rather than the title property. This property changes the title that search engines see when crawling this page, and can be used to address Duplicate Title issues in your SEO report.string
canonical-urlOverrides the canonical url for this page. Must be a full URL including the protocol (i.e.
og:site_nameThe name of your website as it should appear when your content is shared.string
og:titleThe title of your page as it should appear when your content is shared.string
og:descriptionThe description of your page as it should appear when your content is shared.string
og:urlThe URL of your page.string
og:imageThe URL or identifier of the image that will be displayed when your content is shared.URL or relative path to file
og:image:widthThe width of the image in pixels.number
og:image:heightThe height of the image in pixels.number
og:localeThe locale of the page, typically in the format language_TERRITORY (e.g., en_US).string
og:logoThe URL or identifier of the logo image of your website that will be displayed when your content is shared.URL or relative path to file
twitter:titleThe title of your page as it should appear in a tweet.string
twitter:descriptionThe description of your page as it should appear in a tweet.string
twitter:handleThe Twitter handle of the page creator or site.string
twitter:imageThe URL or identifier of the image that will be displayed in a tweet.URL or relative path to file
twitter:siteThe name of your website as it should appear in a tweet.string
twitter:urlThe URL of your page.string
twitter:cardThe type of card to be used for sharing on Twitter.summary, summary_large_image, app, player
noindexIf set to true, the page will not be indexed by search engines. Defaults to false.boolean
nofollowIf set to true, a search engine will not follow any links present on the page. Defaults to false.boolean
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