Merging multiple API specs

Pro Feature

This feature is only available on paid plans. Please schedule a demo or email us to get started.

Fern supports intelligently merging multiple API Definitions into a single SDK. This feature is useful when you have multiple micro-services that you would like to expose as a single SDK.

You can specify your API Definition in generators.yml. In the normal case, you would have a single API Definition.

1api: path/to/petstore.yml

If you have multiple API Definitions, you can specify them in generators.yml as follows:

2 - path/to/petstore.yml
3 - path/to/plantstore.yml

If you have multiple API Definitions that have overlapping schema names or operation names, you can specify a namespace for each API Definition. A namespace is often used to handle API versioning. Note these are nested under a namespaces block.

2 namespaces:
3 v1:
4 - path/to/petstore.yml
5 - path/to/plantstore.yml
6 v2:
7 - path/to/petstore-v2.yml
8 - path/to/plantstore-v2.yml

Fern allows you to import other APIs into your API. This is often useful if:

  • you want to reuse another API’s types in your API
  • you want to combine multiple APIs into one SDK (similar to the AWS SDK)

This feature is only available if you use a Fern Definition.


Register your API

The first step is to register the API you want to depend on. To do this, use the register command:

$fern register
> [some-dependency]: Uploading definition...
> [some-dependency]: Registered @fern/some-dependency:0.0.1

You can set the version of your dependency by using the --version flag:

$fern register --version 1.0.0
> [some-dependency]: Uploading definition...
> [some-dependency]: Registered @fern/some-dependency:1.0.0

Depending on the registered API

To add a dependency on another API, you simply create a folder in your Fern Definition to “house” the dependency.

> ├─ fern.config.json
> └─ api/ # <--- your API
> ├─ generators.yml
> └─ definition/
> ├─ api.yml
> ├─ imdb.yml
> └─ my-folder
> └─ __package__.yml

In __package__.yml, you can specify the API you want to depend on:

2name: @fern/some-dependency
3version: 0.0.1

At runtime, the __package__.yml file will effectively be replaced with the API you’re depending on.