Currently we only support Segment via a custom writeKey in the docs.yml file, however you can add other providers to your docs page through Custom Javascript. We are also working on adding support for additional analytics tools via the docs.yml file analytics block!

Add Segment to your Docs

To add Segment to your Docs, you need to add the Segment writeKey to your docs.yml file.

Get your Segment writeKey

  1. Log in to your Segment account.
  2. Go to the workspace where you want to add the Docs integration.
  3. Click on the Source you want to track.‘
  4. Click on the Settings tab.
  5. Copy the Write Key from the API Keys section.

Add the Segment writeKey to your Docs

In your docs.yml file, add the Segment writeKey:

2 segment:
3 write-key: ${SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY} # scans environment variable
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