
(fix): Fix an issue where the go-v2 generator call prevented the go generator from succeeding in remote code generation environments.


(fix): Fix cursor pagination stopping condition when the cursor types do not match (e.g. a *string cursor type with a string next cursor type).


(feat): Adds support for a few new configuration options, all of which are shown below:

- name: fern-api/fern-go-sdk
1 version: 0.36.0
2 config:
3 packageLayout: flat
4 clientName: Acme
5 clientConstructorName: New

With this, the generated SDK will all be deposited at the root of the module, and the client can be constructed like so:

package main
1import (
2 "context"
3 "fmt"
4 "log"
5 acme "github.com/acme/acme-go"
7func main() {
8 client := acme.New()
9 response, err := client.GetUser(
10 context.Background(),
11 &acme.GetUserRequest{
12 ID: "85307b0b-094b-41b5-b61d-347ca15e5da2",
13 },
14 )
15 if err != nil {
16 log.Fatal(err)
17 }
18 fmt.Println(response)
19} ```


(fix): Fixes an issue where certain literal string values were incorrectly generated in undiscriminated unions.

(fix): Fixes an issue where custom names applied to a basic auth scheme were not preserved.


(fix): Fixes an issue where the delimiter length was included during stream data read, even when the delimiter was missing, leading to a bufio.ErrAdvanceTooFar error


(feat): Add support for sending the User-Agent header on every request. Go packages are uniquely identified by their full module path, so the User-Agent header is generated in the <module>/<version> format, e.g. User-Agent: github.com/acme/acme-go/1.0.0


(feat): Add support for the inlinePathParameters configuration option, which generates path parameters in the generated request type (if any) instead of as separate positional parameters.

# generators.yml
1- name: fern-api/fern-go-sdk
2 version: 0.33.0
3 config:
4 inlinePathParameters: true
Built with