The api.yml configuration supports global configuration like headers and path parameters.

Global headers

You can specify headers that are meant to be included on every request:

1name: api
3 X-App-Id: string

Global path parameters

You can specify path parameters that are meant to be included on every request:

1name: api
2base-path: /{userId}/{orgId}
4 userId: string
5 orgId: string

Overriding the base path

If you have certain endpoints that do not live at the configured base-path, you can override the base-path at the endpoint level.

2 endpoints:
3 getMovie:
4 method: POST
5 base-path: "override/{arg}"
6 path: "movies/{movieId}"
7 path-parameters:
8 arg: string

Global query parameters

You cannot yet specify query parameters that are meant to be included on every request. If you’d like to see this feature, please upvote this issue.

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