Multipart File Upload

Document endpoints with the multipart/form-data content type

Multipart requests combine one or more sets of data into a single body, separated by boundaries. You typically use these requests for file uploads and for transferring data of several types in a single request (for example, a file along with a JSON object).

2 /upload:
3 post:
4 summary: Upload a file
5 description: Upload a file using multipart/form-data encoding
6 operationId: uploadFile
7 tags:
8 - file
9 requestBody:
10 required: true
11 content:
12 multipart/form-data:
13 schema:
14 type: object
15 properties:
16 file:
17 type: string
18 format: binary
19 description: The file to upload
20 description:
21 type: string
22 description: A description of the file (optional)
23 required:
24 - file
25 responses:
26 "200":
27 description: Successful upload
28 content:
29 application/json:
30 schema:
31 type: object
32 properties:
33 message:
34 type: string
35 fileId:
36 type: string

Any request body that is defined with a multipart/form-data content type, will be treated as a multipart request. Within a given multipart request, a string parameter with format:binary will represent an arbitrary file.

Array of Files

If your endpoint supports an array of files, then your request body must use an array type.

2 /upload:
3 post:
4 summary: Upload multiple files
5 operationId: uploadFiles
6 requestBody:
7 content:
8 multipart/form-data:
9 schema:
10 type: object
11 properties:
12 files:
13 type: array
14 items:
15 type: string
16 format: binary
17 description: An array of files to upload