Role-based access control

Control who can view your documentation

Configuring RBAC is part of the pro plan.

Fern allows you to restrict parts of your navigation to individuals with specific roles. Below, we walk through each of the steps required to configure RBAC.


Define all the roles in your docs.yml

Start by defining all the different roles in your docs.yml. You can simply specify thise under a roles key:

2 - everyone # every user is given this role
3 - partners
4 - beta-users
5 - admins
The everyone role is a special role. Every user has this role.

Define viewers on parts of the navigation

Every navigation item (sections, pages, api references) can have a set of designated viewers. If you don’t specify viewers, then it defaults to everyone and the page is public.

2 - tab: Documentation
3 layout:
4 - page: Overview
5 path: pages/overview.mdx
6 - section: Beta Release
7 viewers:
8 - beta-users
9 - tab: API Reference
10 layout:
11 - page: Overview
12 path: pages/overview.mdx
13 - section: Beta Release
14 viewers:
15 - partners
16 - admin

The viewers are inherited by nested pieces of content. For example, if a section can only be viewed by admins, then all its pages and nested sections can also only be viewed by admins.


Configure authentication via a FERN_TOKEN

In this step, we will configure authentication so that Fern can understand what roles a particular user has. Fern expects the user’s browser session to have a cookie called FERN_TOKEN. If the cookie is not present, the user will be redirected to your company’s login page.

Upon login, you must set a JWT for the user using a secret key that we will provide you with. The JWT must have a fern claim with a key called roles.

2 "fern": {
3 "roles": ["partners"]
4 }
Please reach out to when you are on this step so we can provide you with a secret key.
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