API References

Reorder your API reference

This configuration allows you to reorder sections and endpoints in the sidebar navigation menu.


To reorder sections, add the layout field to the api field in the docs.yml file. The layout field is an array of the sections you want to display in the order you want them to appear.

2 - api: API Reference
3 layout:
4 - pet
5 - store
6 - user

To reorder endpoints, add a : (colon) to the end of the section name, followed by an array of the endpoints you want to display in the order you want them to appear.

2 - api: API Reference
3 layout:
4 - pet:
5 - addPet
6 - updatePet
7 - deletePet
8 - store:
9 - getInventory
10 - placeOrder
11 - user:
12 - createUser
13 - createUsersWithArrayInput
14 - createUsersWithListInput